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Book page eggs

I've seen a few of these in blog land already, but I was inspired to  make these by the ones here on Inspire Co. I made my book page eggs by tearing strips from a book I got at the book exchange for less than a buck. (Book lovers don't fret, I'm not ripping up a famous novel.) I Mod Podged them onto plastic eggs from the Dollar Tree. This is a messy project, but go ahead and get messy. I found it easier to smooth down the strips if I already had Mod Podge on my hands. Once you've got all your strips down, go over them with a final coat of Mod Podge. Lay them on wax paper to dry.

I didn't glitter my eggs like the ones at Inspire Co. I did embellish them with ribbon and flowers. I used an acrylic rhinestone for the centers of the flowers in colors that coordinate with the ribbon.  I'm so excited to have some Easter decor made ahead of time.

I'll be linking these up to the parties on the side.

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Edited: These have been featured at Tatertots and Jello!


  1. These are great! I never thought to use ook pages for this.

    I did do something similar to this though I used real eggs. You might really enjoy making them youself. You can see them on my blog, if you would like, here


  2. super cute! I will add these to my eater post article. Will link back to you. Hope you won't mind.

    I am having 2 giveaways on my blog.
    $38 + free shipping an any backpack from busy little hands etsy store

    $15 store credit from hair candy for girls.

    All you have to do is leave a comment saying you want to win it.

  3. These are great, a stylish Easter decoration! Love!

  4. Fun idea!! I love book page crafts. Invite you to link your project to my blog bash K.I.S.S. Happy to be a new follower too. :)

    Drop by The Tattered Tag

  5. I love that you used the book pages! They turned out so cute. I enjoyed reading your blog:)

  6. these are beautiful! would love for you to come link up to handmade tuesdays @

  7. These eggs are so cute and so simple to make. Check out my recent post @

  8. I think these are sooo clever!! I featured you on my blog today, come by and grab a button if you'd like!

  9. These turned out so cute and the ribbon really tops each off! Adorable.

  10. What a great idea! And they turned out so cute!

  11. They turned out just beautiful! I did some with vintage sheet music...and glittered a few haha! Can't wait to see what your baskets look like with these in them!!

  12. I love making things out of old books. Great idea!! I'm a new follower and featured it on my blog today.

  13. So happy you joined last weeks K.I.S.S. blog bash, your creativity is appreciated. Please remember tomorrow is another fun blog bash, drop by & share more inspiring ideas!

    Drop by The Tattered Tag

  14. Brilliant idea, one way of recycling things. The eggs may be simple yet they're so cute!

    Buy Aion Account

  15. This is such a great idea! I would love to feature this on my blog, Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button.



  16. Hi there! I think this idea is darling and was hoping that you might add it to my Easter and Spring Linking Party to share with my readers. If you are interested, you can go here to enter. Thanks!


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