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I did it!

I ran the Breast Cancer Marathon (26.2miles!) on Sunday, February 17th. Whew! It was hot- above 80 degrees- but what an awesome experience. And thanks so much to the community of Jacksonville Beach, Florida. You guys are great! All the encouragement, water, Poweraid, cold rags, and water sprinklers are what got me through.

After training for a marathon and running a half marathon three years ago, I still had the full marathon as a personal goal and when I saw this one announced in the Jeff Galloway newsletter, I knew this had to the be one. All of the entry fee went to the Mayo Clinic and the Donna Hicken Foundation to fight breast cancer. The experience is more than running a marathon. I'll be back for that run again.

My hubby walked the half-marathon. He would have been running but he had some surgery recently and isn't allowed to run. He snapped this cool shot after he finished.
